Fragments from a journal ![]()
What follow are journal entries (abridged), beginning with the onset of my mother's fatal illness until just after her funeral 9 months later -- the last entry is dated 24 May 1992, the 1st anniversary of my father's death. It's a chronicle of my attempts to cope with logistics and with the dawning awareness that something had a hold of her and wasn't going to let her go until she was dead. I've set this off the default path because I don't wish to impose this all too common story on you, unless you wish to pursue it. To me the very ordinariness of the events related here is in fact the point, but it's not necessary or maybe even desirable to read this fairly lengthy account to appreciate the rest of the piece.
However, if what you've read so far has interested you in these people, here's what happened to them at that time.
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